Bookstore & School Partnerships

Grow Your Business with
The Nocturnals

  • Read Aloud Writing Workshop with The Nocturnals Author Tracey Hecht
  • Developed with the New York Public Library & expanded nationwide in-person & virtually
  • Trusted by over 200 Elementary Schools to get kids K-6 excited about reading
  • Fiction and nonfiction companion books support Literacy & STEAM
  • Publisher Support includes CCSS ELA & NGSS Educator Guides, Turnkey Classroom Materials, & Bonus Event Swag

Read Aloud Writing Workshop with Tracey Hecht

  • Workshop Themes: Connects kids to the animal science behind The Nocturnals as Tracey Hecht teaches character development and writing skills.
Click to Request Information

Program Information

This picture shows pictures of the Read Aloud Writing Workshop hosted by Tracey Hecht, author of The Nocturnals, and includes praise and reviews for her author visits.
Writing Workshop
Outline & Endorsements
This image shows the biography of Tracey Hecht, author of The Nocturnals, along with a picture of her against a table near a bookshelf. Meet Tracey Hecht
and The Nocturnals
The Nocturnals’ Educator Guides include activities perfect for educators such as the Common Core Language Arts Guide and the Next Generation Science Guide. Educator Guides Overview
View Individual Guides
This image shows a preview of the trade reviews for The Nocturnals series by Tracey Hecht Grow & Read Early Readers & Middle Grade books.Trade Reviews



the nonfiction early reader book has a banner at the top with The Nocturnals logo next to the cartoon illustrations of the three characters. Beneath is a large photograph of a real fox on top of a rock. To the right of it are small pictures of a real sugar glider and pangolin.
Early Reader Nonfiction
The cover of The Slithery Shakedown features Bismark, a sugar glider, in the center looking straight ahead with a smile and posing with his arms stretched out. Dawn, a fox, is on the left sitting and looking forward. Tobin, a pangolin, is standing with his paws in front of him and smiling at Bismark.
Early Reader Fiction
the nonfiction chapter book companion to The Mysterious Abductions has a dark blue cover with a photograph of a pangolin climbing a tree branch on the front. Behind the pangolin on the left is a picture of a real sugar glider and on the right is a real picture of a fox.
Middle Grade Nonfiction
The paperback cover of The Mysterious Abductions has Bismark, a sugar glider, standing on a rock between Dawn, a fox, and Tobin, a pangolin. Above their heads in yellow block text against the dark blue background are the words of the series, The Nocturnals, and written beneath it is the title of book one: The Mysterious Abductions.
Middle Grade Fiction


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